all the apricots and peaches stood up and shouted, "WHaT SAY YOU?"

dimanche, septembre 28, 2003

tomorrow's emath paper II!! argh i hope it wont be too badd...timmy was so funny today..he had 2 before church, and one after, but we didnt know, so we got him a hearty egg and bacon set cos he insisted on having the same as me, and then his parents got a shock that he was eating such a big second they started cutting his food up and taking away bits here and there, and so called confiscated his morning dessert. so he started complaining that he could never eat in peace, and he brought his plate to another table and sat there alone. eating away silently..and for lunch just a few hours later, nobody wanted to let him eat anymore, but my dad took pity on him and took him off to buy veggies..haha. he looked so...hmmm. having to eat veggies alone. but i guess its for his own good. he seems to be getting fatter every week and his neck is slowly disappearing..and seems like thats had quite an effect on me cos its had me stuffing myself ever since last year..haha help man. later i took him on the skytrain at the airport and he ran to the front for the hot spot..sat there with a bunch of other kids. well the train started off, and you know its not usually a very smooth ride. yea but anyway, man oh man. tim at the front looked like a hamster!! like his little body and its fats bumping around...try and imagine. looking at a little boy from the back. and rather filled with...blubber. and then compare that to the backview of a little hammie. ha ha ha.
anyway i got a haircut at the airport today too. umm id say i like it and i dont like it. was waiting to send my dad off and was feeling rather hot because of my..ahem thick hair. so i was walking ard and woohoo i came across these little qb quick cut shells. the ten minute cut thingy...ha. so i ended up having my haircut while my dad left because he had to catch his flight and couldnt wait for me...argh. i'd say im back to being 'the girl with the medium hair' as referred to as by gerald...ha ha.


+ + + + +

all apricots reserve their right to be eaten
all peaches plead to be savoured
and the apricots and peaches agree that together, they make the perfect dessert
and indeed, they did.